The administrative bodies responsible for the “MSc in Hospitality and Tourism Management” are as follows:
i) The University Senate: The body responsible for academic, administrative, and organizational matters of the MSc program.
ii) The Postgraduate Studies Committee of HMU: Advises the University Senate on the establishment of new postgraduate programs or the modification of existing ones.
iii) The Assembly of the Department of Business Administration and Tourism: Approves the strategic decisions, planning, and reports submitted by the Steering Committee of the MSc program.
iv) The Steering Committee (SC): Responsible for monitoring and coordinating the operation of the program.
v) The Director of the MSc Program: Chairs the SC, drafts the agenda, convenes the SC meetings, and proposes matters concerning the organization and operation of the MSc program to the Department Assembly.
vi) The Secretariat of the MSc Program: Ensures the provision of all necessary services to the student body, such as registrations, grade updates in the information system, announcements, and more.
For more details, refer to the Operating Regulations of the MSc program (in Greek)